Tuesday, March 17, 2015



Getting the right shoe size(s) for kids could be hard. We sometimes end up getting shoes that are either too big or too small.

We at Kidz Avenue know that taking the kids to the shoe stores for fittings may not always be convenient. So, we have searched for a shoe size guide for kids which we believe will help you in finding them the right shoe size(s).

Friday, October 17, 2014

Friday Funnies!


So my son is five years old and can brush his teeth himself but like every mum, you just want to make sure they are really clean.

Last Saturday, he was brushing his teeth by himself. I asked him to give me the toothbrush. He did, wondering what I was going to do.

I said, "Open wide, let me help you."
Laughing and shaking his head, he said, "No Mummy, I can do it by myself!"

I said, smiling mischieviously, "Well that means you will go to the dentist if you don't let me help you!"  

I thought he was going to open his mouth Immediately but instead he shouted in excitement, "Yes! Yes! I want to go to the Dentist!"

I was shocked but very curious to why he was so excited. I asked, "Why are u excited?!"

He said, "Because the Dentist would remove my tooth and I can get money from the tooth fairy!Let's go! Let's go!" He said laughing.

I laughed so much that I almost dropped the toothbrush. 

I said, "But u know there are no toothfairies."

Laughing,  he said, "I know that Mummy!"

We laughed and laughed.

He got me!

It's Friday Funnies!

Have fun!


Images from Google.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Happy Global Handwashing Day!

Let's continue to teach our kids to wash their hands with soap and water everyday!

Have a Wonderful Wednesday!

Team Kidz Avenue.

Images from Google Images

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Happy Back to School!

Happy Back to School!

Have a Great School Year!

From us at KIDZ AVENUE!

Images from Google

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Happy Independence Day NIGERIA!

Happy Independence Day to our Home Country NIGERIA!


Team Kidz Avenue

Image courtesy BBM

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Get the kids Inspired!


Here, at Kidz Avenue, we are all about KIDZ!

We found this inspirational image for kids from renowned children's books author - Roald Dahl.


Team Kidz Avenue