Thursday, March 20, 2014

Bonding: Dads and Kids.

Are you a Dad? Do you want your children to grow strong and confident? Do you know that meeting their material needs is just a part of the whole responsibility that comes with being a Dad and that there is so much more?
Your role as 'Dad' to your children is of utmost importance in shaping and moulding their lives. It's making time for your children by ensuring that they are well grounded in every aspect of life. And no Dad, that's not 'Mummy's job'. It's yours as well. Your children's all-round growth is a responsibility you both share.
A lot of men were raised in the 'traditional' family setting where they had little or no interaction with their fathers because of the erroneous societal notion that fathers are to be seen and not felt. Thankfully, in recent times, quite a number of Fathers have turned this around by commiting to be better Fathers. They take bonding with their children very seriously and are involved in their day-to-day lives in spite of their busy schedules.
The following is from an article 'The Importance Of Father-Child Bonding' in  Parenting Weekly- "Recent studies have suggested that children whose fathers are actively involved with them from birth are more likely to be emotionally secure, confident in exploring their surroundings, have better social connections with peers as they grow older, are less likely to get in trouble at home, and are less likely to use drugs and alcohol."
It further states, "Fathers also tend to encourage independence and achievement, in contrast to nurturing and protective nature of mothers, both of which play an important role in a child's healthy development."
Dads, your children are more confident and assertive when you spend time with them. For your son(s), it helps him to develop a healthy gender identity. It also downplays aggression in that child and encourages respect for the opposite sex. Also, when a Father interacts with his daughter(s), it boosts her self-esteem and she is less likely to be involved in destructive relationships since Daddy has shown what real men are about.
You can be a good Dad to your children by doing the following:
1) Spend quality time with them. Children love to talk.  Ask them questions, you'd be amazed at what they know. It's a way to find out how much they really know and what actions or corrections are to be made.
2) Be involved in their activities both academically and socially. You can help with homework or at least ask about school, their teachers' names, their friends, their favourite colours and so on. They'll only be too glad to share.
3) Train your children. Exert your authority as the Head of the home. When they do wrong, don't send them to Mummy for correction. You have to make your place known as the Head of the home and exert your authority. Let them know that you would not tolerate bad behaviour. One of the most effective ways to do this is to lead by example.
4) Play with your children. Children love to play. Besides, Dad, you were once a child and you wanted someone to play with you. There are all kinds of games you can play with them. Classic games like 'Hide and Seek', 'Building' games, Board games and so on. Researchers believe that Dads that play with their children have higher IQs and better linguistic and cognitive capacities.
5) Dads, there is no excuse, there are countless places you can take your children to. Take your children out. Let them interact with other children but under your close watch. Plan vacations together. Go on monthly visits to different places or simply take walks with them. It refreshes the whole family.
Dads, spending time with your children is time well spent. It will leave a lasting and  positive mark in their lives. You'll be glad you did.

Happy Bonding Dads!

Team Kidz Avenue.
Image by Google Images

Friday, March 14, 2014

The Baby Bag Experience.

Congratulations on the birth of your newborn! Such a blessing!
Chances are your baby will be going on it's first official outing any moment now. This also means you get to finally use that beautiful baby bag you've kept all this while! The following are must-haves for the your baby bag experience:
1) Diapers
2) Wipes
3) Hand sanitiser
4) Blankets
5) Bibs
6) Extra clothes
7) Diaper rash cream
8) A toy/rattle
9) Baby food/feeding bottles
10) Breast pads.
You can't go wrong with any of these. You would need one of these at sometime during your trip. Note- the items in a baby bag are not limited to the ones listed above, you can add what you feel you absolutely need.
Mums, the baby bag experience is not just for baby alone but for you as well. These are your must-haves:
1) Cellphone
2) Torchlight
3) Snack
4) Wallet
5) Keys
Now for mums that are yet to get their baby bags and are not sure what to look out for, the following tips are sure to help:
1) Buy a big baby bag. You want a well-stocked bag. As many as 6 diapers per trip will not hurt anyone. Chances are you will not use them all but at least you will have more than enough as well as space for them.
2) Buy a baby bag from a brand that is known for quality. You want a bag that is durable and strong. For instance, I used the same baby bag for my two kids because of its high quality and this saved me money!
3) Buy a baby bag that comes with a disposable bag for soiled diapers and wipes. Also, buy one with a changing pad to use for when your baby needs to change.
4) Buy a baby bag with a lot of compartments, zippers and bottle holders. This type of bag will make it easy to find what you need and quickly too.
5) Buy a baby bag that has holders for you Mum as well. There are bags that have cellphone, key holders. So, they don't get lost amongst baby's things.
Remember Mums, the key to having the ultimate baby bag experience is to have a bag that is both functional and practical.
Have fun!
Team Kids Avenue
Pictures courtesy- Google Images

Friday, March 7, 2014


Welcome to Kids Avenue!

This is the blog for everything Kids! We've got events, information, news, games and so on.

Sit back, relax and enjoy!

Team Kidz Avenue.

Please note that all images on this blog are from or via Google Images unless otherwise stated.