Friday, August 29, 2014



Everyone knows how funny kids can be...the things they say sometimes!:-)

So, today, we would like you to share with us some of the funny or probably the funniest thing you have heard your kid(s) or other kids say.

I have one.

We were relaxing in the living room yesterday evening when my five year old son noticed I wasn't interested in the programme anyone. The following conversation started between us:

Son: Mummy
Me:   Yes
Son: You are not watching anymore?
Mummy: Um yes
Son: So that means I can watch my programme!

Then he grabs the remote control and with a very serious look on his face, he says,

Son: Am the man of the house too you know!
Mummy: Hahahahahaha

Share your funny stories in the comment box and let's have some laughs!

Have a Feel Good Friday:-)


Team Kidz Avenue

Image from Personal Source

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